How it all began

It is kind of a long story… but here is the short version.

Ian Bosiak grew up in the village of Stirling. He completed his post-secondary education and moved to Asia. After wrapping up his 14 year sojourn abroad, he was looking for a new project to work on. The family farm had been sitting fallow for years. After reading everything he could about garlic farming, talking to other growers, and spending a few years experimenting with different varieties and growing methods to prove the concept, he set out to scale up and establish Wellside Farms. He is supported by his family, friends and local farmers who have provided help and expertise along the way.

Why Wellside? The farm is located beside the village’s wells that provide clean drinking water to the residents of Stirling.

Organic Certification and Affiliations

Wellside Farms primarily grows organic garlic in Stirling, Ontario and is certified by ECOCERT. Download 2023 Organic Certificate.

We hope to…

Grow Great Organic Produce

… in carefully selecting healthy plating stock, using research-informed farming practices and monitoring for pests and diseases.

Build Soil Health

… by using a combination of crop rotation, cover cropping, limited tillage/cultivation and soil testing to build and maintain soil health.

Promote Biodiversity

… through establishing biodiversity areas and planting native wildflowers in various areas around the farm.



… after reviewing existing agricultural research and applying lessons learned from others to inform what we do and how we do it.

Give Back

… by seeking a partnership with local organizations who can benefit from some of the resources that we generate on the farm.

Partner Up

… by establishing relationships with local restaurants who are looking for local growers to provide them with high quality produce.